Get involved

Help us to create a more inclusive, modern transport workforce by getting involved with National Women in Transport.


Plan an event

Using leaders from our Speaker Bureau, plan an event to showcase women working in transport. Let us know about the event and we’ll help you promote it through out networks.

Book a speaker

Our Speaker Bureau brings together a list of leading women working in transport. Help demonstrate the contribution women make to transport across Australia by booking a leader for your upcoming event.

Share your news

If your organisation has news or resources to share let us know. We want to work with you to increase the number of women working in transport.

Spread the word

Follow us on LinkedIn and share our news to help spread the word. If you’re a woman who already works in transport, share your own story using #IAmTransport on LinkedIn and we’ll repost it.

Sign up for updates

Get regular updates from us on email or via SMS when you sign up for news.

Join the Speaker Bureau

Learn about how to become part of the Speaker Bureau

Read more